Stakeholders’ Role in
International Arbitration
|Panels |Speakers |Topics
Cornel Popa
Partner, Țuca Zbârcea & Asociații, Romania
June 08
10:35 – 11:50
Ayse Yazir ACII
Global Head of Origination, Bench Walk Advisors, UK
Ayse Yazir ACII
Global Head of Origination, Bench Walk Advisors, UK
Zoltan Nagy-Bege
Vice President,
ANRE (Romania)
Mohsin Patel
Director and Co-founder, Factor Risk Management, UK
Lucy Glyn
Director, Exton Advisors, UK
Mohsin Patel
Director and Co-founder, Factor Risk Management, UK
Lucy Glyn
Director, Exton Advisors
June 08
10:35 – 11:50
Joe Tirado
Solicitor-Advocate, Garrigues, UK
Dr. Alice Fremuth-Wolf
Head of Austria & CEE, Nivalion, Austria
Cosmin Vasile
Managing Partner,
Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners, Romania
June 08
14:20 – 15:35
Natalia Petrik
Deputy Secretary-General, SCC Arbitration Institute, Sweden
Natalia Petrik
Deputy Secretary-General, SCC Arbitration Institute, Sweden
Crina Baltag
Associate Professor in International Arbitration, Stockholm University, Sweden
Crina Baltag
Associate Professor in International Arbitration, Sweden
Ginta Ahrel
Partner, Westerberg & Partners Advokatbyrå AB & Board Member of the SCC Arbitration Institute, Sweden
Ginta Ahrel
Partner, Westerberg & Partners Advokatbyrå AB & Board Member of the SCC Arbitration Institute, Sweden
Cosmin Vasile
Managing Partner.
ZRVP, Romania
Dragoș Voncu
Legal Manager, Corporate Secretary and Non-Executive member of the Board of Directors, Alro S.A., Romania
Răzvan Dincă
Professor of Civil Law and Intellectual Property Law, Dean Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, Managing Partner, Răzvan Dincă & Associates
June 08
15:35 – 16:50
Crina Ciobanu
Legal Director, Porr Romania,
Cristina Vîlcu
Executive Legal Director, BRD Groupe Société Générale, Romania
Edgar Martinez
Director Legal and Corporate Affairs, JTI, Switzerland
Oskar Gotthardt
Counsel and Arbitrator, Byro Legal, Finland
Supported by
The fourth BArD edition is bringing together leading names representing the relevant stakeholders in international arbitration: arbitration institutions, in-house counsel, external counsel, experts, hearings/artificial intelligence providers etc.
The panels will address topics related to the current expectations from international arbitration, from the perspective of the stakeholders’ role in the arbitration process.
Prof. Maxi Scherer
MA, PHD (Paris Sorbonne), LLM Koln - Professor in International Arbitration, Dispute Resolution and Energy Law
Energy Investments and Dispute Resolution
Philippe Cavalieros
International Co-head of Arbitration, Simmons & Simmons, France
Florian Nițu
Managing Partner, Popovici Nițu Stoica & Asociații, Romania
June 09
09:45 – 11:00
Philipp A. Peters
Managing Partner, Peters Ortner Partners, Austria
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
(The Netherlands)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (The Netherlands)
Steven Finizio
Partner Wilmer Cutler Picker Hale & Dorr, UK
Federica Bocci
Counsel, DLA Piper, Italy
Ginta Ahrel
Board Member of the Arbitration Institute of the SCC & Partner, Westerberg & Partners, Sweden
June 10
10:15 – 11:00 EET
Media Partners:
International Arbitration serves the needs of the users. 2021 Queen Mary and White&Case International Arbitration Survey: Adapting Arbitration to a Changing World confirms that international arbitration is the preferred method of resolving cross-border disputes for 90% of respondents, either on a stand-alone basis (31%) or in conjunction with alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (59%).
June 10, 15:20 EET
Organised by
In the past years, and also in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased conflicting geopolitics setting, arbitration has seen a visible evolution: as a response to these external factors, or as a natural response to the development of a well-established system. For commercial arbitration, in the past months, issues of impact of economic sanctions on arbitration, diversity reflected in the arbitrators’ appointment, rules’ revision to address abusive claims – as now addressed by the UNCITRAL Working Group II – , have been debated extensively.
Timely Perspectives on
Energy Disputes and
Their Resolution Mechanism
| Panels
| Speakers
| Topics
For investment arbitration, in addition to the work of the UNCITRAL Working Group III on the reform of investor-State Dispute Settlement, and to the unpredictable evolution of the Energy Charter Treaty, the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes has updated its Arbitration Rules, thus signalling the expected reform of investment arbitration. In this context, the increased role of the European Union impacting international arbitration should be followed closely.
It is pertinent in this context to address the current position of stakeholders in international arbitration, given the current rapid change of the economic, geopolitical, as well as internal factors.
International arbitration involves various stakeholders, all converging to the acceptance of arbitration as a valid and legitimate dispute resolution mechanism: from arbitration institutions to users, from arbitrators to external counsel, from third party funders to hearings/artificial intelligence providers.
The keyword of the 2023 edition of BArD is ‘role’. This is a word which reverberates with each of us in the arbitration community, as it reminds us that each stakeholder plays its definitory role in advancing international arbitration.
The keyword of the 2023 edition of BArD is
International arbitration involves various stakeholders, all converging to the acceptance of arbitration as a valid and legitimate dispute resolution mechanism: from arbitration institutions to users, from arbitrators to external counsel, from third party funders to hearings/artificial intelligence providers.
Virtually – Online, Live Broadcast
Wherever You Want,
Any Device
In-Person, CCIR Business Center
Al. I. Cuza Amphitheatre
Octavian Goga 2, Bucharest, 030982
Ligia Cecilia Popescu
Partner, Wolf Theiss, Romania
June 09
11:15 – 12:30
Carlos Carvalho
Senior Business Development Consultant, OPUS 2, UK
Carlos Carvalho
Senior Business Development Consultant, OPUS 2, London
Rupert Choat KC
Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator, Atkin Chambers, UK
Helin Laufer
Associate, Van Bael & Bellis, Campaign for Greener Arbitrations, UK
Catherine Dixon
General Director, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK
Dalibor Valinčić
Partner, Wolf Theiss, Croatia
Rupert Choat KC
Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator, Atkin Chambers, UK
Helin Laufer
Associate, Van Bael & Bellis, Campaign for Greener Arbitrations, UK
Catherine Dixon
General Director, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK
Dalibor Valinčić
Partner, Wolf Theiss, Croatia
Andrew Mackenzie
Chief Executive, Scottish Arbitration Centre, Scotland
June 08
Stefano Azzali
General Director, Milan Chamber of Arbitration, Italy
Stefano Azzali
General Director, Milan Chamber of Arbitration, Italy
Niamh Leinwather
Secretary General of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), Austria
Niamh Leinwather
Secretary General of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), Austria
Ruxandra Chiru
Deputy Chief Assistant Arbitrator, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Romania
Ruxandra Chiru
Deputy Chief Assistant Arbitrator, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, Romania
You will have the option to attend the 2023 BArD Conference In-Person or Virtually.
9:00 – 10:00 Registration & Welcome Coffee
10:00 – 10:15 Introductions
9:00 – 09:45 Registration and Welcome Coffee
12:20 – 13:40 Lunch Break
13:20 – 14:20 Networking Lunch
12:55 – 13:55 Lunch Break
12:30 – 13:30 Networking Lunch
12:20 – 13:40 Lunch Break
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee Break
12:55 – 13:55 Lunch Break
Networking – Starting at 15:15
Prof. George A. Bermann
Director of the Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Columbia Law School, USA
National Courts as Stakeholders in
International Arbitration
Keynote Speaker #1
Keynote Speaker #11
Martina Polasek
Deputy Secretary-General, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), World Bank Group, USA
Investment Arbitration: Advancing the Reform
June 8
10:00 – 10:35
June 9
13:30 – 14:15
June 9
13:30 – 14:15
June 8
10:00 - 10:35
© Toate drepturile rezervate Wolters Kluwer Romania RO8451308 | J40/4017/1996 |
Keynote Speech by
Prof. George Bermann
Director of the Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Columbia Law School, USA
“National Courts as Stakeholders in International Arbitration”
June 08, 10:o0 – 10:35
Welcome speech by
◤ On the first day, we will have three panels dedicated to: Regional Approaches to Energy Projects and Dispute Settlement: the EU Energy Market, Infrastructure and Energy Projects: Commercial Arbitration as Preferred Dispute Resolution Mechanism, and Energy Disputes: User’s Perspective.
◤ On the second day, we will be focusing the debates on energy investments and arbitration: Energy Projects and Investment Disputes: Complex Issues and Multilateral Perspectives: Energy Disputes in International Context – The Energy Charter Treaty.
Media Partners
11:00 – 11:15 Coffee Break
Nicholas Lawn
Partner, Van Bael & Bellis, UK
Sorina Olaru
Partner, NNDKP, Romania
June 09
14:15 – 15:30
Noah Rubins KC
Partner, International Arbitration Group, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, France
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
(The Netherlands)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (The Netherlands)
Sarah Vasani
Partner, Co-head of International Arbitration, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP, UK
Hannah Ambrose
Partner, Global Arbitration, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, UK
Petr Polášek
Partner, White & Case, USA
Keynote Speech by
Martina Polasek
Deputy Secretary-General, International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), World Bank Group, USA
June 09, 13:30 – 14:15
The keyword of the 2023 edition of BArD is
Nata Ghibradze
Counsel, Hogan Lovells, Germany
Violeta Saranciuc
Managing Associate,
Zamfirescu Racoți Vasile & Partners, Co-Chair YRAP, Romania
June 09
15:45 – 17:00
Cristina Milincianu
Visiting Counsel, Baker Hughes, Italy
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Laurence Shore
Of Counsel,
Bonelli Erede (Italy)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
Partner, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek
(The Netherlands)
Martje Verhoeven-de Vries Lentsch
De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek (The Netherlands)
Mélanie Riofrio Piché
Founding Partner, RIOFRIO IDR, Spain
Johannes Landbrecht
Counsel, Walder Wyss, Switzerland
Mihaela Apostol
Arbitration Consultant, ArbTech, YRAP Board Member, UK
Johannes Landbrecht
Counsel, Walder Wyss, Switzerland
15:30 – 15:45 Coffee Break
Keynote Speech by
Prof. George Bermann
Director of the Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Columbia Law School
June 08, 10:00 –10:40
International Arbitration serves the needs of the users. 2021 Queen Mary and White&Case International Arbitration Survey: Adapting Arbitration to a Changing World confirms that international arbitration is the preferred method of resolving cross-border disputes for 90% of respondents, either on a stand-alone basis (31%) or in conjunction with alternative dispute resolution mechanisms (59%).
09:00 – 09:30 0
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:35
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Welcome Speech & Introductions: Ștefan Deaconu, President, The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, and Managing Partner of Leaua Damcali Deaconu Păunescu-LDDP
Opening Remarks: Cătălin Predoiu, Romanian Minister of Justice, Corina-Alina Corbu
President, The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice
Opening Keynote: “National Courts as Stakeholders in International Arbitration”
Prof. George Bermann, Director of the Center for International Commercial
and Investment Arbitration, Columbia Law School, USA
Day 1
09:30 – 09:40
09:00 – 09:30
09:30 – 09:40
09:40 – 10:00
10:00 – 10:35
Registration & Welcome Coffee
Welcome Speech & Introductions: Ștefan Deaconu, President, The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, and Managing Partner of Leaua Damcali Deaconu Păunescu-LDDP
Opening Remarks: Opening Remarks: Cătălin Predoiu, Romanian Minister of Justice, Corina-Alina Corbu
President, The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice
Opening Keynote: “National Courts as Stakeholders in International Arbitration”
Prof. George Bermann, Director of the Center for International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Columbia Law School, USA
Day 11
Day 1
11:50 – 12:05 Coffee Break
The keyword of the 2023 edition of BArD is ‘role’. This is a word which reverberates with each of us in the arbitration community, as it reminds us that each stakeholder plays its definitory role in advancing international arbitration.
Stakeholders’ Role in
Corina-Alina Corbu
President, The Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice
Opening Remarks
Cătălin Predoiu
Romanian Minister of Justice
Welcome Speech & Introductions
Ștefan Deaconu
President, The Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, and Managing Partner of Leaua Damcali Deaconu Păunescu-LDDP
Opening Remarks
Cătălin Predoiu
Romanian Minister of Justice
The fourth BArD edition is bringing together leading names representing the relevant stakeholders in international arbitration: arbitration institutions, in-house counsel, external counsel, experts, hearings/artificial intelligence providers etc.
The panels will address topics related to the current expectations from international arbitration, from the perspective of the stakeholders’ role in the arbitration process.
Day I, 08 June 2023
The fourth BArD edition is bringing together leading names representing the relevant stakeholders in international arbitration: arbitration institutions, in-house counsel, external counsel, experts, hearings/artificial intelligence providers etc.
The panels will address topics related to the current expectations from international arbitration, from the perspective of the stakeholders’ role in the arbitration process.
Day II, 09 June 2023
The fourth BArD edition is bringing together leading names representing the relevant stakeholders in international arbitration: arbitration institutions, in-house counsel, external counsel, experts, hearings/artificial intelligence providers etc.
The panels will address topics related to the current expectations from international arbitration, from the perspective of the stakeholders’ role in the arbitration process.
Day II, 09 June 2023
Day I, 08 June 2023